Aristeas. Philologia classica et historia antiqua VOL. XX
Editor in сhief Podossinov, Aleksandr V.

О книге
Журнал Аристей: вестник классической филологии и античной истории. Том XX на русском.
Vol. XX. 2019
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-7
Interpretationem poeticam latinam archetypis XXVII apposvit Gregorivs Saenger. 12-52
Saenger, Gregorius (1853-1919)
Proposed 27.08.2019
Accepted 11.09.2019
Plut. Mor. 151A—D: An Essay of Egyptological Commentary. P. 53-62
Ladynin, Ivan A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Russia 119192, Moscow, Lomonosovskiy prospekt, 27/4
105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3;
Received 8.04.2019
Accepted 1.07.2019
The article deals with a story in Plutarch’s Septem Sapientium Convivium: the sage Bias answers to the Egyptian king Amasis, to whom an Ethiopian king sent “an extraordinary and awful demand… to drink up the ocean”, that he had to “tell the Ethiopian to stop the riv¬ers which are now emptying into the ocean depths, while he himself is engaged in drinking up the ocean that is now; for this is the ocean with which the demand is concerned, and not the one which is to be”. An interpretation of the story proposed is founded on the seeming parallel in the Ancient Egyptian Book of Repulsing the Evil: its passage (Urk. VI. 125.21–127.2) is meant to oppose Seth’s intention to make the sea water sweet (probably, with the flow of rivers) in order to drink them eventually. It seems that the Ethiopian king not only set an unfeasible task to Amasis but also actually forces on him this deed of Seth; contrary to that, Bias helps to supply this task with a reservation, at which Seth’s aim to make both the sea and the sweet water disappear will not be accomplished.
Keywords: Egypt, Plutarch, Septem Sapientium Convivium, riddle, sweet and salt water, Seth, Book of Repulsing the Evil
Life as Acting on Stage: Dramatic Allusions in Plutarch’s Lives. P. 63-77
Zabudskaya, Yana L.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, 119991, Moscow, Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 9.01.2019
Accepted 5.03.2019
The concept of representing the world as a theatrical stage in the ancient Greek culture was formulated by A.F. Losev and illustrated by A.A. Takho-Godi: the idea of life as a stage play appears in the Hellenistic period and grows out of Plato’s dialogues. Plutarch’s general negative attitude towards the tragic genre, expressed in the Moralia, is presented also in some contexts of the Lives: “tragedy” stands for deception or bombast. Nevertheless, modern studies have shown that tragic images in the Lives do not necessarily have negative connotations and that dramatic vocabulary emphasizes important episodes. The point of this paper is to con¬sider “tragic” references as elements of Plutarch’s method in the Parallel Lives as a whole, and to compare the already examined contexts with those not yet studied. The tragic discourse in Plutarch has a variety of forms: a quotation that accentuates an action, an analogy or an al¬lusion, turning individual phenomena into common ones, using a compositional pattern that presents the hero as a tragic character. Despite the rejection of the “tragic” manner of histo¬riography, Plutarch succeeded in making drama a part of his literary method. This principle can be described as intracultural and intergeneric reception.
Keywords: drama, tragedy, biography, structure, narrative
A Love Novel in the History of Hannibal’s War (Attempt at a Source Study). P. 78-103
Bobrovnikova, Tatiana A.
Specialized centre of Studies and Science at the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, 119415, Moscow, Leninskiy prospect 92-49
Received 5.03.2019
Accepted 6.07.2019
The article proposes a new approach to source studies of the Libyan Wars de¬scribed by Appian of Alexandria. The author suggests that a detailed analysis of the love story of Sophonisba and Masinissa sheds light upon Appian’s work with sources and the general character of his historical writings. Comparing this story with its narrative by Livy one can easily conclude that the latter borrowed it from the Histories of Polybius. Contrary to Livy, Appian’s narrative does not stand up to historical criticism and contradicts well-known facts. What did Appian base his version of Sophonisba’s love story on? The author argues that Appian included in his narrative an unknown Greek historical romance probably dating back to the beginning of the CE.
Keywords: Appian, Polybius, Livy, sources, source studies, Greek romance, Sophonisba, Masinissa, Syphax
The Image of Carthage in the Political Ideology of the Vandal Kingdom. ‘The Homeland of Asdingui’ or a ‘Phoenix Risen’. P. 104-113
Nikolsky, Ivan M.
RAS Institute of World History, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russia, 119334 Moscow, Leninskiy prospect 32a
Russia, 105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya ul. 21/4
Received 22.03.2019
Accepted 6.04.2019
In the paper, on the material of works by Latin authors who lived in the Vandal Africa at the turn of the 6-th century (Florentinus, Dracontius) the question is examined: how – and for what purpose – could an image of Carthage, the capital of the Vandal king¬dom, be constructed in the local literature. The main conclusion is that its representation in these sources, undoubtedly politically motivated, could be an instrument not only of pro-Vandal propaganda (Carthage as a ‘Homeland of Asdingui’), as most researchers studying this question believe, but also of anti-Vandal one (‘Phoenix Risen’).
Keywords: Carthage, Vandals, North Africa, Dracontius, Florentinus, panegyric
Pherecydes of Athens as a Representative of the “Pre-Herodotean” Stage in Ancient Greek Historical Writing. P. 114-142
Surikov, Igor E.
RAS Institute of World History, RSUH
119334 Moscow, Leninskiy prospect, 32a
125047 Moscow, Chayanov str. 15, 7; 1192334
Received 18.03.2019
Accepted 1.07.2019
The article deals with Pherecydes of Athens, an historian and mythographer of the early and mid 5th century B.C., a characteristic representative of the first stage in early Greek historical writing. Pherecydes is unjustly neglected, whereas there is an opinion that he strongly influenced Herodotus. The article cites ancient evidence on Pherecydes and a number of fragments from his work, which are of relevance for Athens (especially important is the fragment with a unique genealogy of the Philaidae family, with which that author was connected); the question of folklore elements in his work is also touched.
Herodotus, it is true, does not mention Pherecydes, but neither he mentions any of other earlier historians, except Hecataeus (and that only to criticize him); such was the manner of citing predecessors among representatives of historical writing in the Classical period (it is manifest in Thucydides, too). Due to unknown reasons Pherecydes’ name is also absent from the famous catalogue of the earliest historians, which can be found in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ On Thucydides (although Dionysius knew Pherecydes and highly estimated him), and that contributes to minimizing his contribution in scholarly literature. Information on Pherecydes’ life is extremely scarce and contradictory, the exact title of his treatise is unknown (most probably Histories), only a wide dating is possible for the time when he ended the work – 450s B.C.
Pherecydes is a figure standing still on the verge between mythographers and historians as such. What he tells us in his historical work we would rather qualify as mythology. However, it is well-known that in antiquity legendary and mythological tradition “was perceived and treated as historical” (P. Vidal-Naquet).
Keywords: classical Greece, Athens, Attica, early historical writing, mythography, genealo¬gies, Pherecydes of Athens, Philaids, Cimon, Herodotus, folklore
To the Publication of some Inscriptions from Bosporus. P. 143-156
Saprykin, Sergey Yu.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, RAS Institute of World History
Moscow, 119991, Lenin Hills 1, GSP-1
Received 21.06.2019
Accepted 31.08.2019
The author of the article adjusts the reconstruction of two inscriptions from Bosporus, discovered during the archaeological campaigns in Panticapaeum and Phanagorea which had been published by V.A. Sidorenko and N.V. Zavoikina. He also gives some correc¬tions of their readings and suggests a new interpretation. The first among them is a manumis¬sion the first two lines of which Sidorenko restores incorrectly. He suggested that it should be dated to the rule of king Cotys I, while the author of this article gives a new reading of the whole inscription. He also admits that in accordance with the script the inscription is much later than the time of king Cotys I’s rule. Further on the author of the article corrects the wrong reconstruction of the inscription from Phanagorea, made by N.V. Zavoikina. He pays atten¬tions to the fact that this inscription was put not on a large marble bowl – perirranterion, but on a nymphaeum-bassin which was loaned on a wall in a temple or in one of state buildings like gymnasion. The inscription says that this monument was installed and dedicated to the god with an epithet Soter not by the official – head of the king’s residence/palace, but exactly by a man whose name ended on -δημος, or even by the demos of Agrippeia/Phanagorea under the conjunction of “the Head of the royal palace/residence”. The author also gives a reconstruc¬tion of a fragmentary votive 2nd c. AD inscription on a marble bowl from Gorgippia which is a dedication of a certain Stephanos son of (…)eiou to The God(…).
Keywords: manumission, demos, Agrippeia, Phanagorea, head of the royal residence, Gor-gippeia, Stephanos, marble sacral bowl, nymphaeum
The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ancient North Black Sea Region. Year 2018. P. 157-202
Belousov, Alexey V.
Russian State University for Humanities, RAS Institute of World History, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Eliseeva, Liubov G.
RAS Institute of World History
Russia, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy prospect 32a
Received 7.10.2019
Accepted 13.11.2019
Abstract: The paper gives a critical analysis of the publications of 2018 year, which contain the ancient epigraphic material from the North Black Sea region.
Kitanaura – a Border City of Northeast Lycia. Part 1. One and a Half Century under Another’s Names. P. 203-255
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Leninskie gory, d. 1, GSP-1, 119991 MSU
Received 7.09.2019
Accepted 22.09.2019
This article is the first part of a work about Kitanaura, an ancient city of northeast Lycia. The city of Kitanaura was located on the flat top of a high separate rock rising above a plateau in the mountains. Access to this city was possible only from the southwest side of the rock. The author explains how to find the remains of the city and portrays the history of research carried out in Kitanaura. The ruins of Kitanaura were discovered on April 6 1842 by Spratt. Two days later Schönborn also discovered them. But neither Spratt nor Schönborn could find the name of the city in the inscriptions on the tombs there. Local inhabitants called this place Saraycık, that is «a Small palace». On April 19 1842 Spratt came there again with Forbes and Daniell to find the name of the city and several months later Daniell came there again alone. But they did not find the name of the city. Spratt and Forbes suggested that these ruins belonged to the Thracian colony of Apollonia, Schönborn and Daniell believed that it was the ruins of Marmara, a city destroyed by Alexander the Great. The real name of the city became known only after an inscription was found in Patara with a description of all the roads of Lycia, called Stadiasmus Patarensis. According to Stadiasmus Patarensis the name of the city in Saraycık was Kitanaura. The city of Kitanaura minted the coins with the legend ΚΙΤΑ.
Keywords: Lycia, Kitanaura, Saraycık, ancient city, scientific travels, Spratt, Forbes and Daniell, Schönborn, the path of Alexander the Great from Lycia to Pamphilia, Marmara – Mnara, ancient coins, ancient Greek inscription
The Image of a Diver in the “Hexaemeron” of Basil of Caesarea. P. 256-263
Grünert, Anna
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University of the Humanities
Russia 115184 Moscow, Novokuznetskaya ul. 23Б
Received 10.01.2019
Accepted 25.01.2019
The article provides a commentary on the “Hexaemeron” of Basil of Caesarea (Hex. 2.7.23–36) where the creation of light is compared to the way divers push oil out of their mouths under the water. After Basil of Caesarea this comparison was borrowed by Ambrose of Milan and Bede the Venerable in their commentaries on the hexaemeron. The existence of this tradition justifies a more careful study of the subject of comparison, i.e the diving practice itself as described in ancient testimonies. Thus, the article will consider in de¬tail the following texts mentioning diving with oil: “The Natural History” of Pliny the Elder, Plutarch’s “Causes of Natural Phenomena”, “Table-Talk” and the treatise “On the Principle of Cold”, as well as Oppian’s “Halieutica”. Some properties of oil that are useful for diving, such as the ability not to mix with water and to spread widely, mentioned by Plutarch, are mentioned in Hex 2.7. As regards the composition the comparison used by Basil does not find any paral¬lels in the rest of the text, despite the fact that the theme of the creation of light is exposed throughout the second and sixth homilies of the “Hexaemeron”. Nevertheless, the observa¬tions made in this short article are valuable in that they shed light on a place that modern reader and scholars of the “Hexaemeron” do not fully understand. The latter fact is clear in that commentators and translators of Hex. 2.7.23–36 still settle for an uncomplete ex¬planation of this place which deserves a little more attention.
Keywords: Basil of Caesarea, hexaemeron, early Christian literature, biblical exegesis, cos¬mology
Robert Yu. Vipper’s General Conception of Ancient History in his Works of the Pre-Revolutionary Years. P. 264-287
Almazova, Natalia S.
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Russia 105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3
Received 8.04.2019
Accepted 7.01.2019
The article analyses the conception underlying a series of works (funda¬mental university manuals) written in the last pre-revolutionary decades by the prominent Russian historian R.Yu. Vipper (1859–1954). These works sum up the material on all the three major divisions of ancient history – the Ancient Orient and the evolutionary counter¬parts of its societies in the Aegean world, pre-Hellenistic Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome before the Principate. Symptomatically, Vipper’s major interest was addressed to the stage of ancient history, at which the state formations were represented by small non-hierarchic com¬munities. This stage fell at the very start of history in the Ancient Orient; in Ancient Greece and Rome it came to its end, respectively, with the emergence of the Hellenistic monarchies and of the Principate. According to Vipper, the non-hierarchic communities were the makers of civilization at the start of history and possessed a great creative capacity; he assessed nega¬tively their transformation into hierarchic structures with vast territories but believed that the Modern Period came to be in a way a renaissance of non-hierarchic structures at a certain new level. This series of works by R.Yu. Vipper can be considered unique as an essay of a conceptual generalization for the entire ancient history by a single scholar.
Keywords: R.Yu. Vipper, general history, ancient history, university manuals, communities, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome
Review of O.A. Ruchinskaya. Kultura i obshchestvo grecheskikh gorodov Severnogo Prichernomorya (VI v. do n.e. – IV v. n.e.) [Culture and Society in the Greek Cities of North Black Sea Region (6th c. BC – 4th c. AD)]. Kharkiv, 2017. P. 288-291
Podossinov, Alexander V.
Lomonosov MSU, IWH RAS
Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Moscow, 119334 Leninskiy prospekt 32a
Received 6.07.2019
Accepted 4.09.2019
Review of A. Alonso Déniz, L. Dubois, C. Feuvre, S. Minon (eds.), La suffixation des anthroponymes grecs antiques (SAGA): Actes du colloque international de Lyon, 17–19 septembre 2015, Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 Broché – 21 décembre 2017. Genève, 2017. P. 292-299
Belousov, Alexey V.
Russian State University for Humanities, RAS Institute of World History, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 11.09.2019
Accepted 17.10.2019
Greco-Roman Antiquity in the Mirror of Cinema: New Approaches, Problems and Solutions. P. 300-315
Sinitsyn, Alexander A.
The Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, Saint Petersburg State University, Russian State Institute of Performing Arts
Russia 191011 Saint Petersburg, Naberezhnaya reki Fontanki, 5a
Russia 199034 Saint Petersburg, Меndeleevskaya liniya, 5
Russia 191028 Saint Petersburg, Mokhovaya ulitsa, 34
Received 13.05.2019
Accepted 28.05.2019
A meeting of the section «Logos. Ethos. Myth – IV» was held on 16th April 2019 in the framework of the research-and-practice conference entitled «Homo loquens: language and culture. A dialogue of cultures in the open world» (The Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, St Petersburg). This sitting was devoted to the topic of History in Cinema. 16 reports, 11 of which (including one made at the plenary meeting) were made on the representation of history in cinema. Participants of the meeting – scholars in the fields of history, philology, philosophy and religion – came from universities of St Peters¬burg, Moscow, Kazan and Saratov. The topics encompassed film versions of ancient history from the Greek Antiquity to its decline. Each report entailed a heated discussion. This is a brief review of speeches on ancient history and culture as mirrored in cinema.
Keywords: Ancient history and culture, cinema, art, philosophy, literature, reception
Tenth Summer School on Classics (1–10 August 2019). P. 316-349
Samokhvalova, Nataliya E.
Received 6.09.2019
Accepted 21.09.2019
Prof. Sir Fergus Millar (1935–2019). P. 350-352
Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.
Received 3.08.2019
Accepted 15.09.2019
Textual Notes on the ‘New Apuleius’. P. 353-354
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str. 9 119571, Moscow, Russia
Corrigendum to the article published in vol. 19.
Contents of the Volumes XI–XX (composed by A.V. Mosolkin). P. 355-364
Vol. XX. 2019
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-7
Interpretationem poeticam latinam archetypis XXVII apposvit Gregorivs Saenger. 12-52
Saenger, Gregorius (1853-1919)
Proposed 27.08.2019
Accepted 11.09.2019
Plut. Mor. 151A—D: An Essay of Egyptological Commentary. P. 53-62
Ladynin, Ivan A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Russia 119192, Moscow, Lomonosovskiy prospekt, 27/4
105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3;
Received 8.04.2019
Accepted 1.07.2019
The article deals with a story in Plutarch’s Septem Sapientium Convivium: the sage Bias answers to the Egyptian king Amasis, to whom an Ethiopian king sent “an extraordinary and awful demand… to drink up the ocean”, that he had to “tell the Ethiopian to stop the riv¬ers which are now emptying into the ocean depths, while he himself is engaged in drinking up the ocean that is now; for this is the ocean with which the demand is concerned, and not the one which is to be”. An interpretation of the story proposed is founded on the seeming parallel in the Ancient Egyptian Book of Repulsing the Evil: its passage (Urk. VI. 125.21–127.2) is meant to oppose Seth’s intention to make the sea water sweet (probably, with the flow of rivers) in order to drink them eventually. It seems that the Ethiopian king not only set an unfeasible task to Amasis but also actually forces on him this deed of Seth; contrary to that, Bias helps to supply this task with a reservation, at which Seth’s aim to make both the sea and the sweet water disappear will not be accomplished.
Keywords: Egypt, Plutarch, Septem Sapientium Convivium, riddle, sweet and salt water, Seth, Book of Repulsing the Evil
Life as Acting on Stage: Dramatic Allusions in Plutarch’s Lives. P. 63-77
Zabudskaya, Yana L.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, 119991, Moscow, Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 9.01.2019
Accepted 5.03.2019
The concept of representing the world as a theatrical stage in the ancient Greek culture was formulated by A.F. Losev and illustrated by A.A. Takho-Godi: the idea of life as a stage play appears in the Hellenistic period and grows out of Plato’s dialogues. Plutarch’s general negative attitude towards the tragic genre, expressed in the Moralia, is presented also in some contexts of the Lives: “tragedy” stands for deception or bombast. Nevertheless, modern studies have shown that tragic images in the Lives do not necessarily have negative connotations and that dramatic vocabulary emphasizes important episodes. The point of this paper is to con¬sider “tragic” references as elements of Plutarch’s method in the Parallel Lives as a whole, and to compare the already examined contexts with those not yet studied. The tragic discourse in Plutarch has a variety of forms: a quotation that accentuates an action, an analogy or an al¬lusion, turning individual phenomena into common ones, using a compositional pattern that presents the hero as a tragic character. Despite the rejection of the “tragic” manner of histo¬riography, Plutarch succeeded in making drama a part of his literary method. This principle can be described as intracultural and intergeneric reception.
Keywords: drama, tragedy, biography, structure, narrative
A Love Novel in the History of Hannibal’s War (Attempt at a Source Study). P. 78-103
Bobrovnikova, Tatiana A.
Specialized centre of Studies and Science at the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, 119415, Moscow, Leninskiy prospect 92-49
Received 5.03.2019
Accepted 6.07.2019
The article proposes a new approach to source studies of the Libyan Wars de¬scribed by Appian of Alexandria. The author suggests that a detailed analysis of the love story of Sophonisba and Masinissa sheds light upon Appian’s work with sources and the general character of his historical writings. Comparing this story with its narrative by Livy one can easily conclude that the latter borrowed it from the Histories of Polybius. Contrary to Livy, Appian’s narrative does not stand up to historical criticism and contradicts well-known facts. What did Appian base his version of Sophonisba’s love story on? The author argues that Appian included in his narrative an unknown Greek historical romance probably dating back to the beginning of the CE.
Keywords: Appian, Polybius, Livy, sources, source studies, Greek romance, Sophonisba, Masinissa, Syphax
The Image of Carthage in the Political Ideology of the Vandal Kingdom. ‘The Homeland of Asdingui’ or a ‘Phoenix Risen’. P. 104-113
Nikolsky, Ivan M.
RAS Institute of World History, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russia, 119334 Moscow, Leninskiy prospect 32a
Russia, 105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya ul. 21/4
Received 22.03.2019
Accepted 6.04.2019
In the paper, on the material of works by Latin authors who lived in the Vandal Africa at the turn of the 6-th century (Florentinus, Dracontius) the question is examined: how – and for what purpose – could an image of Carthage, the capital of the Vandal king¬dom, be constructed in the local literature. The main conclusion is that its representation in these sources, undoubtedly politically motivated, could be an instrument not only of pro-Vandal propaganda (Carthage as a ‘Homeland of Asdingui’), as most researchers studying this question believe, but also of anti-Vandal one (‘Phoenix Risen’).
Keywords: Carthage, Vandals, North Africa, Dracontius, Florentinus, panegyric
Pherecydes of Athens as a Representative of the “Pre-Herodotean” Stage in Ancient Greek Historical Writing. P. 114-142
Surikov, Igor E.
RAS Institute of World History, RSUH
119334 Moscow, Leninskiy prospect, 32a
125047 Moscow, Chayanov str. 15, 7; 1192334
Received 18.03.2019
Accepted 1.07.2019
The article deals with Pherecydes of Athens, an historian and mythographer of the early and mid 5th century B.C., a characteristic representative of the first stage in early Greek historical writing. Pherecydes is unjustly neglected, whereas there is an opinion that he strongly influenced Herodotus. The article cites ancient evidence on Pherecydes and a number of fragments from his work, which are of relevance for Athens (especially important is the fragment with a unique genealogy of the Philaidae family, with which that author was connected); the question of folklore elements in his work is also touched.
Herodotus, it is true, does not mention Pherecydes, but neither he mentions any of other earlier historians, except Hecataeus (and that only to criticize him); such was the manner of citing predecessors among representatives of historical writing in the Classical period (it is manifest in Thucydides, too). Due to unknown reasons Pherecydes’ name is also absent from the famous catalogue of the earliest historians, which can be found in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ On Thucydides (although Dionysius knew Pherecydes and highly estimated him), and that contributes to minimizing his contribution in scholarly literature. Information on Pherecydes’ life is extremely scarce and contradictory, the exact title of his treatise is unknown (most probably Histories), only a wide dating is possible for the time when he ended the work – 450s B.C.
Pherecydes is a figure standing still on the verge between mythographers and historians as such. What he tells us in his historical work we would rather qualify as mythology. However, it is well-known that in antiquity legendary and mythological tradition “was perceived and treated as historical” (P. Vidal-Naquet).
Keywords: classical Greece, Athens, Attica, early historical writing, mythography, genealo¬gies, Pherecydes of Athens, Philaids, Cimon, Herodotus, folklore
To the Publication of some Inscriptions from Bosporus. P. 143-156
Saprykin, Sergey Yu.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, RAS Institute of World History
Moscow, 119991, Lenin Hills 1, GSP-1
Received 21.06.2019
Accepted 31.08.2019
The author of the article adjusts the reconstruction of two inscriptions from Bosporus, discovered during the archaeological campaigns in Panticapaeum and Phanagorea which had been published by V.A. Sidorenko and N.V. Zavoikina. He also gives some correc¬tions of their readings and suggests a new interpretation. The first among them is a manumis¬sion the first two lines of which Sidorenko restores incorrectly. He suggested that it should be dated to the rule of king Cotys I, while the author of this article gives a new reading of the whole inscription. He also admits that in accordance with the script the inscription is much later than the time of king Cotys I’s rule. Further on the author of the article corrects the wrong reconstruction of the inscription from Phanagorea, made by N.V. Zavoikina. He pays atten¬tions to the fact that this inscription was put not on a large marble bowl – perirranterion, but on a nymphaeum-bassin which was loaned on a wall in a temple or in one of state buildings like gymnasion. The inscription says that this monument was installed and dedicated to the god with an epithet Soter not by the official – head of the king’s residence/palace, but exactly by a man whose name ended on -δημος, or even by the demos of Agrippeia/Phanagorea under the conjunction of “the Head of the royal palace/residence”. The author also gives a reconstruc¬tion of a fragmentary votive 2nd c. AD inscription on a marble bowl from Gorgippia which is a dedication of a certain Stephanos son of (…)eiou to The God(…).
Keywords: manumission, demos, Agrippeia, Phanagorea, head of the royal residence, Gor-gippeia, Stephanos, marble sacral bowl, nymphaeum
The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ancient North Black Sea Region. Year 2018. P. 157-202
Belousov, Alexey V.
Russian State University for Humanities, RAS Institute of World History, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Eliseeva, Liubov G.
RAS Institute of World History
Russia, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy prospect 32a
Received 7.10.2019
Accepted 13.11.2019
Abstract: The paper gives a critical analysis of the publications of 2018 year, which contain the ancient epigraphic material from the North Black Sea region.
Kitanaura – a Border City of Northeast Lycia. Part 1. One and a Half Century under Another’s Names. P. 203-255
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Leninskie gory, d. 1, GSP-1, 119991 MSU
Received 7.09.2019
Accepted 22.09.2019
This article is the first part of a work about Kitanaura, an ancient city of northeast Lycia. The city of Kitanaura was located on the flat top of a high separate rock rising above a plateau in the mountains. Access to this city was possible only from the southwest side of the rock. The author explains how to find the remains of the city and portrays the history of research carried out in Kitanaura. The ruins of Kitanaura were discovered on April 6 1842 by Spratt. Two days later Schönborn also discovered them. But neither Spratt nor Schönborn could find the name of the city in the inscriptions on the tombs there. Local inhabitants called this place Saraycık, that is «a Small palace». On April 19 1842 Spratt came there again with Forbes and Daniell to find the name of the city and several months later Daniell came there again alone. But they did not find the name of the city. Spratt and Forbes suggested that these ruins belonged to the Thracian colony of Apollonia, Schönborn and Daniell believed that it was the ruins of Marmara, a city destroyed by Alexander the Great. The real name of the city became known only after an inscription was found in Patara with a description of all the roads of Lycia, called Stadiasmus Patarensis. According to Stadiasmus Patarensis the name of the city in Saraycık was Kitanaura. The city of Kitanaura minted the coins with the legend ΚΙΤΑ.
Keywords: Lycia, Kitanaura, Saraycık, ancient city, scientific travels, Spratt, Forbes and Daniell, Schönborn, the path of Alexander the Great from Lycia to Pamphilia, Marmara – Mnara, ancient coins, ancient Greek inscription
The Image of a Diver in the “Hexaemeron” of Basil of Caesarea. P. 256-263
Grünert, Anna
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University of the Humanities
Russia 115184 Moscow, Novokuznetskaya ul. 23Б
Received 10.01.2019
Accepted 25.01.2019
The article provides a commentary on the “Hexaemeron” of Basil of Caesarea (Hex. 2.7.23–36) where the creation of light is compared to the way divers push oil out of their mouths under the water. After Basil of Caesarea this comparison was borrowed by Ambrose of Milan and Bede the Venerable in their commentaries on the hexaemeron. The existence of this tradition justifies a more careful study of the subject of comparison, i.e the diving practice itself as described in ancient testimonies. Thus, the article will consider in de¬tail the following texts mentioning diving with oil: “The Natural History” of Pliny the Elder, Plutarch’s “Causes of Natural Phenomena”, “Table-Talk” and the treatise “On the Principle of Cold”, as well as Oppian’s “Halieutica”. Some properties of oil that are useful for diving, such as the ability not to mix with water and to spread widely, mentioned by Plutarch, are mentioned in Hex 2.7. As regards the composition the comparison used by Basil does not find any paral¬lels in the rest of the text, despite the fact that the theme of the creation of light is exposed throughout the second and sixth homilies of the “Hexaemeron”. Nevertheless, the observa¬tions made in this short article are valuable in that they shed light on a place that modern reader and scholars of the “Hexaemeron” do not fully understand. The latter fact is clear in that commentators and translators of Hex. 2.7.23–36 still settle for an uncomplete ex¬planation of this place which deserves a little more attention.
Keywords: Basil of Caesarea, hexaemeron, early Christian literature, biblical exegesis, cos¬mology
Robert Yu. Vipper’s General Conception of Ancient History in his Works of the Pre-Revolutionary Years. P. 264-287
Almazova, Natalia S.
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Russia 105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3
Received 8.04.2019
Accepted 7.01.2019
The article analyses the conception underlying a series of works (funda¬mental university manuals) written in the last pre-revolutionary decades by the prominent Russian historian R.Yu. Vipper (1859–1954). These works sum up the material on all the three major divisions of ancient history – the Ancient Orient and the evolutionary counter¬parts of its societies in the Aegean world, pre-Hellenistic Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome before the Principate. Symptomatically, Vipper’s major interest was addressed to the stage of ancient history, at which the state formations were represented by small non-hierarchic com¬munities. This stage fell at the very start of history in the Ancient Orient; in Ancient Greece and Rome it came to its end, respectively, with the emergence of the Hellenistic monarchies and of the Principate. According to Vipper, the non-hierarchic communities were the makers of civilization at the start of history and possessed a great creative capacity; he assessed nega¬tively their transformation into hierarchic structures with vast territories but believed that the Modern Period came to be in a way a renaissance of non-hierarchic structures at a certain new level. This series of works by R.Yu. Vipper can be considered unique as an essay of a conceptual generalization for the entire ancient history by a single scholar.
Keywords: R.Yu. Vipper, general history, ancient history, university manuals, communities, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome
Review of O.A. Ruchinskaya. Kultura i obshchestvo grecheskikh gorodov Severnogo Prichernomorya (VI v. do n.e. – IV v. n.e.) [Culture and Society in the Greek Cities of North Black Sea Region (6th c. BC – 4th c. AD)]. Kharkiv, 2017. P. 288-291
Podossinov, Alexander V.
Lomonosov MSU, IWH RAS
Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Moscow, 119334 Leninskiy prospekt 32a
Received 6.07.2019
Accepted 4.09.2019
Review of A. Alonso Déniz, L. Dubois, C. Feuvre, S. Minon (eds.), La suffixation des anthroponymes grecs antiques (SAGA): Actes du colloque international de Lyon, 17–19 septembre 2015, Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 Broché – 21 décembre 2017. Genève, 2017. P. 292-299
Belousov, Alexey V.
Russian State University for Humanities, RAS Institute of World History, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 11.09.2019
Accepted 17.10.2019
Greco-Roman Antiquity in the Mirror of Cinema: New Approaches, Problems and Solutions. P. 300-315
Sinitsyn, Alexander A.
The Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, Saint Petersburg State University, Russian State Institute of Performing Arts
Russia 191011 Saint Petersburg, Naberezhnaya reki Fontanki, 5a
Russia 199034 Saint Petersburg, Меndeleevskaya liniya, 5
Russia 191028 Saint Petersburg, Mokhovaya ulitsa, 34
Received 13.05.2019
Accepted 28.05.2019
A meeting of the section «Logos. Ethos. Myth – IV» was held on 16th April 2019 in the framework of the research-and-practice conference entitled «Homo loquens: language and culture. A dialogue of cultures in the open world» (The Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, St Petersburg). This sitting was devoted to the topic of History in Cinema. 16 reports, 11 of which (including one made at the plenary meeting) were made on the representation of history in cinema. Participants of the meeting – scholars in the fields of history, philology, philosophy and religion – came from universities of St Peters¬burg, Moscow, Kazan and Saratov. The topics encompassed film versions of ancient history from the Greek Antiquity to its decline. Each report entailed a heated discussion. This is a brief review of speeches on ancient history and culture as mirrored in cinema.
Keywords: Ancient history and culture, cinema, art, philosophy, literature, reception
Tenth Summer School on Classics (1–10 August 2019). P. 316-349
Samokhvalova, Nataliya E.
Received 6.09.2019
Accepted 21.09.2019
Prof. Sir Fergus Millar (1935–2019). P. 350-352
Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.
Received 3.08.2019
Accepted 15.09.2019
Textual Notes on the ‘New Apuleius’. P. 353-354
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str. 9 119571, Moscow, Russia
Corrigendum to the article published in vol. 19.
Contents of the Volumes XI–XX (composed by A.V. Mosolkin). P. 355-364
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