Aristeas. Philologia classica et historia antiqua VOL. XVIII
Editor in сhief Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
ISBN: ISSN: 2220-9050
Год: 2018
Объем: 503 с.
: 900 руб

О книге

Журнал Аристей: вестник классической филологии и античной истории. Том XVIII на русском.

Vol. XVIII. 2018

Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-7


Daniel Charms in speculo Latinitatis apparens. C. 12-29
Alexander Fabricius (Kuznetsov, Alexander E.)
Lomonosov MSU
Moscow 119991, Leninskiye gory GSP 1st building for human sciences
Received 15.07.2018
Accepted 30.07.2018

In the article a translation of two short stories by Daniil Kharms into Latin is proposed. The texts chosen for translation reflect two different aspects of Kharms’ work: his writings for children (How an Old Lady Tried to Buy Ink, published in 1928) and the so called non-children works which had never been published in the author’s lifetime (The Four-Legged Crow, dated to 1938). The notes to the Latin text are intended to form a short real and exegetical commentary, built on the traditional models adopted in classical scholarship. The commentary discusses some of the realities of the Soviet world and the problems arising in connection with the translation of Kharms’s world into classical Latin. Latin expressions are specifically discussed which convey such concepts as world war, NEP, and communists. Of the objects of the real world, the elevator proved to be difficult, for which, along with artificial words that appear in modern Lexica, the word vertilabrum has been discovered which was used in the early 15th century treatise on military machines Bellifortis by Conrad Keyser.
Keywords: modern Latin literature, Latin neologism, Daniil Kharms, Conrad Keyser


Ancient and Medieval Concepts of the Caspian Sea. P. 30-91
Podossinov, Alexander V.
Lomonosov MSU, IWH RAS
Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Denisov, Andrey O.
PhD student Lomonosov MSU
Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 7.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

The article is dedicated to ancient and medieval concepts of the Caspian Sea, as they are represented in the written sources from the most oldest times till the modern history. The contours of the sea in cartographical sources are also analysed – on the maps of Ptolemy, on Tabula Peutingeriana, and on the medieval maps, starting with the world maps of Kosmas Indicopleustes. In the antiquity there existed two views on the correlation of the Caspian Sea and the Northern Ocean. According to one of them Caspium was an inner lake, as it was in reality (it is the concept of Herodot, Aristoteles, Ptolemy and some other authors). But the majority of Greek and Roman geographers and historians considered that the Caspin Sea is a gulf of the Northern Ocean (see statements of Eratosthenes, Poseidonios, Diodoros from Sicily, Varro, Agrippa, Strabo, Pomponius Mela, Curtius Rufus, Pliny the Elder, Tacitus, Plutarch, Arrian, Dionysios Periegetes et al.). The general concepts of the geography of the oikumene, which influenced the representations of Caspium, are also analysed in the article. Beside the problem of the connection of the sea with the ocean we examine such questions as the history of the names of Caspium, its configuration, size, connection with the Sea of Azov, the rivers, flowing into it, the islands in the Caspian Sea, its connection with the Aral lake and other questions. The medieval geography and cartography entirely depended on the ancient concepts in representation of the Caspian Sea. The second theory about Caspium as a gulf of the Northern Ocean prevailed till acquaintance of Western Europe in the 15th century with the heritage of Ptolemy, whose more correct representation was reproduced in the following European cartography. The idea of the Caspian as a closed basin was also influenced by its realistic description made by Guillaume de Rubrouck, who personally visited these places in the 13th century.
Keywords: the Caspian Sea, ancient geography and cartography, medieval geography and cartography, the history of the views of the Caspian Sea, the geography of the Caspian region

The Ceremonial Dagger with an Inscription from the Princely Sarmatian Burial near the Village Kosika in the Lower Volga Region. P. 92-128
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU, RSUH, HSE
Russia, Moscow, 11999 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Treister, Mikhail Yu.
German Archaeological Institute
Podbielskiallee 69–71, D-14195 Berlin
Receives 7.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

The paper is devoted to the cross-guard of the fragmentary dagger found in 1984 in the princely nomad burial near the village of Kosika in the Lower Volga area, belonging to the type of gala daggers which were wide spread in Eurasia in the 1st century BC – 1st century AD and became one of the insignia of power as testified by the finds in the princely nomadic burials and their depictions on the royal figures on the stelae from Commagene. The dated (year 238) dotted inscription revealed on the gold overlay of the cross-guard by one of the authors in 2015 and completely cleaned from the iron oxides in 2017 contains an indication of the craftsmen and the weight of gold, confirmed by the eclogist, which means estimated on the highest state level. The inscription allows to suggest with high degree of probability that the dagger may have been manufactured either as a tax payment of the corporation to the state or rather by the decree of the royal person as a gift to an equal person. Moreover, the analysis of the inscription suggests that the object could have been made in Asia Minor, perhaps in Commagene, in 74 BC (that means the date belongs to the Seleucid era), rather than in 59 BC, because the existence of the eclogists in the Pontic Kingdom has not been confirmed by any documents. This dating corresponds well to the archaeological dating of the burial in Kosika to the early third quarter of the 1st century BC and the already published hypothesis, that the deceased could have been a participant of the Asia Minor campaign of the Bosporan King Pharnakes in 49–47 BC.
Keywords: Kosika, Lower Volga area, Sarmatians, ceremonial dagger, Asia Minor, Commagene, Parthia, the Bosporan Kingdom, Greek epigraphy, craft corporations, goldsmiths, eclogist

Evidence for the Origins of the Plebeian Tribunate in Livy: Why Is the Urban Office Said to Have Been Established Outside Rome? P. 129-153
Koptev, Alexandr V.
Helsinki, Finland
Receives 8.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

Livy refers to the office of the tribunes of the plebs as having been established during the withdrawal (secession) of the Roman plebeian army from the city in 493 BC. The analysis of Livy’s narrative shows that the mons sacer of the secession is identical with the Alban Mount, while the establishment of the tribunate replaced an earlier version of the creation of the consulship. The restoration of the tribunate after the overthrow of the decemvirate was modelled in Roman historiography on the establishment of the board of ten tribunes, which took place much later than 449 BC. The so-called secessions of the plebs were constructed under the influence of the idea of the Conflict of the Orders, which became popular in Roman historiography after the Gracchan movement. As an urban office, strictly limited by the Roman pomerium, the tribunate could not be established far from Rome in the Sabine country. The article argues the hypothesis that the original tribunes, who were delegated to the urbs from the early ‘rural’ tribes, were servants of Ceres and Dis Pater, the underground gods whose role was to maintain the fertility of their land. The temple of the plebeian triad, Ceres, Liber and Libera, was dedicated after the Latin war of 340–338 rather than 496 BC, as the result of the dissolution of the Latin League, the increase of the ager Romanus and the Roman civil population of the plebeian origin.
Keywords: tribunate, secessio plebis, consulship, plebeians, patricians, Roman Republic, mons sacer, urbs, mundus, pomerium

Cupids in Propertius 2.29a: Bounty Hunters or Street Bandits? P. 154-172
Shumilin, Mikhail V
Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str. 9 119571, Moscow, Russia
Received 16.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

In Propertius 2.29a the poet is captured by a group of Cupids identified so by a reader from indirect indications only and described in a way suggesting that they were not recognized by the narrator. It appears that Cupids’ behavior is modeled on the behavior of some real persons. The paper is dedicated to the problem of what persons are meant. It has been suggested that they are to be identified with professional street brigands (M. Rothstein) or with policemen (G. Luck), or that the boys are in fact slaves of the poet’s beloved who are disguised as Cupids (Th. Birt); dominant in the contemporary commentaries is F. Cairns’ interpretation, suggesting that fugitiuarii, ancient bounty hunters, are meant as the model for Cupids. Given the popularity of seruitium amoris imagery in Roman love elegy, it is probably inevitable that Cupids of this elegy should be somehow seen as fugitiuarii, but Cairns’ theory does not solve all the problems connected with the text. I argue that, while eventually readers and the narrator are supposed to realize that Cupids in fact acted as fugitiuarii, earlier in the poem the actions of Cupids are rather modeled on the behavior of groups of (generally noble) youths committing outrages for fun during night. I point to parallels to difficult places of Propertius’ elegy in the sources describing behavior of such groups. In the course of my survey I propose a conjecture to Apul. Met. 2.18.4 (tibi uero fortunae splendor inuidiam, contemptus etiam peregrinationis poterit adferre).
Keywords: Propertius, Cupid/Amor, Eros, fugitiuarii, criminality, youth, komos, Apuleius

Political Marriages as an Instrument of the State Politics in the Later Roman Empire. P. 173-194
Shabaga, Irina Yu.
Lomonosov MSU
Russia, Moscow, 11999 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 7.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

Many concrete examples analysed in the article show the aims of political marriages in imperial families which took place in different periods of the Later Roman empire (AD 306–472). The author concludes that in the times of the 1st and 2nd Tetrarchies political marriages were intended to secure internal and external stability of the Empire. In the so called “period of co-rulers” a ruling emperor basically used such marriages as the means of strengthening his power. During the Constantinian (2nd Flavian) dynasty their purpose was a solution of external problems, in the first place, of the Roman-Persian ones. Valetinian-Theodosian dynasty used political marriages to gain loyalty of the supreme commanders, to strengthen ties between Western and Eastern dynasties of the Roman empire and legitimacy of a new created emperor who belonged to neither of the ruling ones. Besides, there were some new phenomena in this period: fictitious marriages of the royal women and their matrimonies with the kings of some German tribes as a result of political hostage. The general conclusion of the article is that political marriages of the royal families are very closely connected with a specific internal and external situation in the Later Roman empire and therefore can be considered a distinctive indicator of each current moment of its existence.
Keywords: the Later Roman empire, imperial families, political marriages, aims


Epigraphica Pontica. The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ancient North Black Sea Region. Year 2017. P. 195-245
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU, RSUH, HSE
Russia, Moscow, 11999 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Eliseeva, Liubov G.
Institute of World History Russian Academy of Sciences
Russia, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy prospect 32a
Received 6.07.2018
Accepted 21.07.2018

The paper gives a critical analysis of the publications of 2017 year, which contain the ancient epigraphic material from the North Black Sea region.

Once More about the Publication of Inscriptions from Artesian Settlement at Bosporus. P. 246-269
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU, RSUH, HSE
Russia, Moscow, 11999 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Saprykin, Sergey Yu.
Lomonosov MSU
Russia, Moscow, 119991, Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 2.06.2018
Accepted 17.06.2018

The article is a kind of answer to V.P. Yaylenko’s critical notes on the publication of three epigraphic monuments from the settlement Artesian in East Crimea. This publication was made by the authors of this article (in cooperation with N.I. Vinokourov). While accepting some criticism by Yaylenko, both authors still leave their former conclusions and arguments as the most positive for reconstructing the inscriptions in question. Moreover, they use this article as a place for their own criticism of V.P. Yaylenko’s position, concerning reading, interpretation and commentary of the inscriptions, particularly in terms of reconstructing personal names and individual terminology. The authors (A.V. Belousov) give some new arguments in favour of the former interpretation of graffito on the inner side of a pottery fragment as ληκάσα μοῦ̣ Δ̣/ό{δο}λης. The same is done in regard to the graffito on the other side of the fragment and the reading of sepulchral inscription on grave-stone Σωσ{τ}ίβι(ος) Διωνυσίου / καὶ ὑοὶ Δισακος / καὶ Παδαφοῦ(ς) / χαίρετε (S.Yu. Saprykin). They also put forward some conclusions against V.P. Yaylenko’s ideas to take the name “Sostibius” as originating from Asia Minor as well as against his suggestion to see in one of its components -tibius- a personal Asia Minor name Τίβειος > Τίβης (Τέβης) > Τίβις (the more so that the form Τίβις is still unattested in Greek and Latin inscriptions). This name is evidenced only as single-formed and has never been used in double-formed components of individual names.
Keywords: Doles, Аpatourios, Аpatouros, Аrtesian, Bosporus, Sosibius, Sos{t}ibi(os), Тibeios, Padafou(s), Greek epigraphy, love names and obscene vocabulary


What Do Women Write About? (On the Materials of Greek Papyri from Egypt 3rd Century BC – 5th Century AD). P. 270-304
Kurtov, Vladimir V.
Lomonosov MSU
Russia, Moscow, 11999, Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 8.02.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

The article reflects the main directions of research on papyrological heritage associated with personal letters from Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, composed by women. The main task of the article is to show the peculiarity and uniqueness of the given subject area; its main questions are probability to find in the letters manifestations of their authors’ individual feelings and experiences, and if there is any gender specificity in women’s messages. Beside the main topics, the subject of the article should serve for those wishing to master epistolary papyrology. To this end an overview of the state of the material is made from the point of the number of sources, as well as the latest and most recent editions of letters. Private letters are classified in various terms, their content transformation from Hellenistic to Christian period is shown, also the main archives where letters were found, Zeno’s in particular, are reflected. Much attention is paid to the information on daily life of the citizens of Hellenistic Egypt, which can be extracted from private correspondence along with linguistic and statistical material available. The paper provides arguments to resolve the issue of social status of the authors of the epistles. As an illustration, texts of twenty-seven letters (related in one form or another to the topic of family relations) are cited in chronological order (3rd century BC – 5th century AD). The texts are given in the author’s translation, they are published in Russian and annotated for the first time.
Keywords: letters, papyri, writing, Hellenistic period, Ptolemaic dynasty, Zeno’s archive, feelings, psychology

Marcus Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus. Bucolicorum Ecloga I (Translation supervised by A.V. Podossinov). P. 305-309
Podossinov, Alexander V.
Lomonosov MSU, IWH RAS
Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 19.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

Par tibi Roma nihil... Narratio Magistri Gregorii de Mirabilibus Urbis Romae. Translated by I.V. Kuvshinskaya. P. 310-340
Kuvshinskaya, Irina V.
Lomonosov MSU
Russia, Moscow, 11999, Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 7.07.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

Mediaeval description of Rome’s most remarkable sights entitled «Magistri Gregorii narratio de Mirabilibus Urbis Romae» was published in 1919. The paper is the second part of Russian translation of the text concerning the famous architectural monuments of ancient Rome.
Keywords: Rome, Magister Gregorius from Oxford, «Mirabilia Urbis Romae», ancient architecture


Lament for Korydalla. Part 2. The Scholars about the City: Losses and Finds. P. 341-405
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
Russia, Moscow, 11999, Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1
Received 28.05.2018
Accepted 12.06.2018

This article is the second part of a work about Korydalla, an ancient city on the southern coast of Lycia. The city of Korydalla was located on two small hills on the plain of Kumluca 6 km away from the sea. The author gives detailed account of the history of research carried out in the city. The first record about Korydalla or rather about the hills on which the city was founded belongs to Captain Beaufort. In 1811 he observed from his ship a group of small hills which «had the smooth round appearance of tumuli». In 1822 Leake drew an «Essay of a map of Asia Minor, Ancient and Modern», on which Korydalla was located according to the evidence he gleaned from ancient authors. First Fellows in 1840 discovered and described the ruins of Korydalla although he mistakenly thought that it was Gagae. Two years later Spratt, Forbes and Daniell visited the city and found an inscription that preserved the name of the city: the ruins were Korydalla, not Gagae. After them many scholars visited Korydalla and made copies of some inscriptions found in the city or in the neighbouring Turkish villages. In 1892 Krickl took the first photos of the Korydalla. In the middle of the 20th century the ruins been utterly destroyed and the stones carried away. The author describes what the visitors can see in Korydalla now and pays close attention to the description of the rock tombs in the city itself and on the nearby hill. Also the author provides information about a large treasure of ecclesiastical silver discovered in Korydalla in 1963.
Keywords: Lycia, Korydalla, ancient city, scientific travels, Fellows, Schönborn, Spratt, Forbes and Daniell, ancient theater, rock tombs, Byzantine basilica, the Sion Treasure, Kumluca


The ‘Warsaw Period’ in the Biography of Dmitry M. Petrushevskiy and his Courses in Ancient and Medieval History. P. 406-424
Almazova, Natalia S.
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3
Receieved 15.01.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

The article considers documents of the Warsaw University in the State Archives of the City of Warsaw connected with the professorship of Dmitry Moiseevich Petrushevskiy, a prominent medievalist, in the Imperial Warsaw University from 1897 to 1906. The study touches upon the circumstances of his appointment as an extraordinary professor at the Department of General History, the themes of his lecture courses and of his students’ papers, some aspects of his work with pupils. Special attention is given to the problems of antiquity in his teaching.
Keywords: D.M. Petrushevskiy, Imperial Warsaw University, extraordinary professor, general history, antiquity, Rome, middle ages


Review of Kayachev B. Allusion and Allegory: Studies in the ‘Ciris’. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde. Bd. 346. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2016. 236 p. P. 425-446
Shumilin, Mikhail V
Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str. 9 119571, Moscow, Russia
Received 16.05.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018


International Symposium «Ancient Macedonia» in Thessaloniki: 1968–2017. P. 447-458
Kuzmin, Yuri N.
The State Museum-Preserve «Phanagoria»
Sennoy, Krasnodar region
Received 26.03.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

This essay deals with some aspects of the history of the international symposium «Ancient Macedonia» that was held for the first time in Thessaloniki in 1968. Until present there were eight such symposia, the latest being in November 2017. The symposia of the 1960–1980s played an important role in the development of the study of ancient Macedonia, which previously occupied a peripheral place in the field of classical studies. The later symposia objectively reflected modern trends in studying ancient Macedonia, viz. conducting archaeological excavations; introducing new sources (first of all inscriptions); and researching institutions, society, culture and art as well. The revival of the symposium «Ancient Macedonia» in 2017, after a 15-year break, is a very important event, and its continuation is seen as extremely necessary for the international cooperation between specialists in the field of ancient Macedonian studies.
Keуwords: symposium «Ancient Macedonia», Thessaloniki, Macedonian studies


«Oh, Memory of the Heart…» А.F. Losev and his Time in А.A. Takho-Godi’s Reminiscences Postovalova, Valentina I.
Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 bld. 1 Bolshoi Kislovsky lane, 125009 Moscow, Russian Federation
aroni4 @
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 4.06.2018

The paper dwells on A.A. Takho-Godi’s recollections of A.F. Losev’s way in life and creative work who was an outstanding scholar of encyclopedic knowledge, a philosopher and an Orthodox thinker. These recollections are considered in the context of comprehending in the self-consciousness of culture the evidences of the century about itself. Aza Alibekovna’s memories recorded in her books “Losev” (1997; 2007) and “Life and Fate” (2009) as well as in a number of her recent interviews are truly a small encyclopedia of Losev’s life and at the same time a penetrating testimony of the tragic history of the twentieth-century Russia and of the life of the man of that time. A.A. Takho-Godi’s reminiscences are characterized by the combination of a concrete-historical narration and a “mythological” interpretation of experienced historical events from the standpoint of Losev’s Higher synthesis principle.
Keywords: self-consciousness of culture, historical memory, evidences of the century, eschatological context, personality, fate, myth


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