Aristeas. Philologia classica et historia antiqua VOL. XVII
Editor in сhief Podossinov, Aleksandr V.

О книге
Журнал Аристей: вестник классической филологии и античной истории. Том XVII на русском.
Vol. XVII. 2018
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-7
De statu et studio Latinitatis in Russia. P. 14-21
Nicolaus Fedorov (1925-2016)
Received 13.03.2018
Accepted 05.04.2018
Oratio in conventu Academiae latinitatis fovendae (Italia a. 2007) pronunciata.
The Image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος in the Art of Ancient Greece in 8th to 6th Centuries BC: The Problems of Identifying and Functioning. P. 22-48
Zinchenko, Sophia A.
105066, Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya, 21/4;
Received 15.07.2017
Accepted 19.10.2017
In the article the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος in Attic and Argive vase painting of the 8th century BC, in small sculptures connected generally with finds from Artemis Orphia's sanctuary in Sparta from the 7th to the beginning of the 6th century BC is considered. The key iconometric parameters are identified for representations of Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος in vase painting of the 8th century BC as well as the main groups of signs used as substitutes for an anthropomorphic figure. The carried-out analysis has allowed to note the dominant use of Πότνιος Ἳππιος in vase painting, and Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἳππιος – in small sculptures and also the sufficient similarity to the similar images found in petroglyphic art of the Eurasian steppes of 2nd to 1st millennium BC is noted. In the analysis of monuments with the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἳππιος in small sculptures frequent mixture with the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Θηρῶν is noted and the possible reasons of these art processes are considered. As a working hypothesis the suggestion is made that the popularity of the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἳππιος can be explained by particular circumstances of cultural genesis of separate centers of Ancient Greece (first of all such as Attica, Argolis and Sparta) in the 8th – the beginning of the 6th century BC.
Keywords: The ancient Greek art 8th – 6th cent. BC, the vases of the geometric style, Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος, Πότνιος/Πότνια Θηρῶν, the art of the Eurasian Steppes 2nd to 1st Millennium BC, small sculptures of 7th – 6th centuries BC.
Sentinaculum: A Hapax in Paulinus of Nola, Letter 49. P. 49-57
Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes
University of Southern Denmark
DK-5230 Odense M, Campusvej 55, Danmark
The word sentinaculum appears to be a neologism coined in the early fifth century AD by the Christian author Paulinus of Nola in his narrative of the miraculous rescue of an old sailor. Valgius had been stationed in the hold of the ship (in intimo navis) and charged with evacuating the sentina during a fierce storm. When his shipmates abandoned ship to save themselves, Valgius was left alone on board and saved only thanks to the intervention of Christ and St. Felix. The ship’s hold was flooded, but post unum vel alterum brevis sentinaculi haustum all the water had miraculously been evacuated and the hold dried out. The ship eventually reached port in southern Italy, not far from Nola. Sentinaculum has been interpreted to mean either “scoop”, “bucket” or “bilge-pump”; in the last case it could be a helix, a force-pump or a chain-pump. Helix pumps for clearing the bilge are mentioned in Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistae, while force-pumps and remains of chainpumps have been found on Roman wreck sites. Since the device is described as “small” and located in intimo navis, it was most likely a force-pump, either made completely of bronze or from a combination of wood and metal.
Keywords: Paulinus of Nola, pump, ship, hagiography, technology, sentina
Evolution of the Attitude of Early Christian Martyrs towards the Pagan Authorities. P. 58-69
Rosenblum, Eugene M.
Roman-Catholic Major Seminary “Mary Queen of the Apostles”
Saint Petersburg, 1-ja Krasnoarmejskaja ul., 11A
Received 10.07.2017
Accepted 10.10.2017
The early Christian “Acts of the Martyrs” of the 2nd century demonstrate a respectful attitude towards and obedience to the government. In the 3rd century, this attitude became more moderate. Nevertheless, martyrs still assure civil authorities in their prayer for the pagan Emperors. Only a direct conflict between the precepts of the Emperor and the commandments of God is regarded as a just cause to disobey the Emperor. Even a more explicitly loyalist attitude is incident to other kinds of Christian literature of that period. However, at the end of the 3rd or beginning of the 4th century, a change of attitude took place. During the reign of Diocletian, but even before the start of the Great Persecution, obedience to God and obedience to the Emperor began to be counterposed. The “Acts of Martyrs” displaying a moral impossibility for some Christians to serve as Roman soldiers emerged. Loyalty to the Emperor is replaced by the rejection of his authority. A perception of the pagan Emperor as a tyrant is forming. Such a change of attitude was possible due to the growth of the influence of Christianity. The number of Christians in the military and civil administration increased, so the rule of a Pagan Emperor ceased to seem as something inevitable. During the reign of Constantine the Great a rejection of the authority of the Pagan Emperors was a kind of homage to the first Christian ruler.
Keywords: Early Christianity, Acta Martyrum, Loyalty, Persecution, Diocletian, Constantine the Great, authorities, Roman Empire
Socrates in Ilya Ehrenburg’s Julio Jurenito and Elsewhere (Publication of a Samizdat Paper with an Afterword on Plato, Mikhail Bakhtin and the True Character of Socrates). P. 70-92
Panchenko, Dmitri V.
190121 Saint-Petersburg, Galernaya ul., 58-60
Received 07.06.2017
Accepted 01.07.2017
The present contribution consists of two parts originally separate in time. The first part appeared in 1980 in a samizdat journal, Metrodorus. It addressed the representation of Socrates and his philosophy in Russian literature, philosophy and philology of the twentieth century. The second part develops the interpretation of the phenomenon of Socrates that was sketched in the 1980. The central issue here is how to reconcile Socrates’ disavowal of knowledge with Socrates’ behaviour that follows certain strong principles, some of which are explicitly stated. It is suggested that Socratic philosophy derives from a certain historically determined problem situation. Since Socrates had to oppose those who appealed to the allegedly self-evident and repeatedly demonstrated egocentrism of human nature, his polemics included a general examination of whether our knowledge is sufficient to draw far-reaching practical consequences and a close examination of what appeared to be self-evident knowledge expressed in words like justice or virtue or happiness. Accordingly, Socratic profession of ignorance was a prerequisite for examining in a situation of a dialogue the notions and meanings that were supposed to be known and clear to everybody. His other objection was his own way of life, incompatible with the alleged self-evident truths of those who saw everybody’s natural goal as being rich and powerful. It is argued that the main features of Socratic philosophy (Socratic elenchus, principle of ignorance, irony and religious mission) are logically and psychologically interconnected.
Keywords: Socrates, Plato, Ilya Ehrenburg, Konstantin Sotonin, Mikhail Bakhtin, Socratic profession of ignorance
The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ancient North Black Sea Region. 2016 Year. P. 93-137
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU, RSUH
Russia, Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1 Faculty of history department of ancient languages
Eliseeva, Lubov G.
Leninsky Prospekt 32A Moscow, 119334
Received 01.03.2018
Accepted 21.03.2018
The paper gives a critical analysis of the publications of 2016 year, which contain the ancient epigraphic material from the North Black Sea region.
Keywords: greek epigraphy, roman epigraphy, northern Black Sea, Olbia, Chersonesus, Pantikapaion
Lament for Korydalla. Part 1. Contemporaries about the Сity: People and Events. P. 138-176
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
Leninskie gory, d. 1, GSP-1, 119991 MSU
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
This article is the first part of a work about Korydalla, an ancient city on the southern coast of Lycia. The city of Korydalla was located on two small hills on the plain of Kumluca 6 km away from the sea. In this city roads leading to different parts of Lycia and neighboring regions crossed. Such geographical location contributed to the development of the city in antiquity, but it was also the cause of the complete destruction of its ruins in recent centuries. Since no excavations have ever taken place in Korydalla, the author’s purpose was to gather all available information about the city from other sources, such as the works of ancient writers and Christian documents, coins minted in this city and, in the first place, the inscriptions found in Korydalla and in some other cities of Lycia, among them the famous inscription of Opramoas from Rhodiapolis and Stadiasmus Patarensis. Also the author considers the inscriptions engraved on the objects of the so called Sion Treasure – the treasure of church silver of the 6th century AD found in Korydalla in 1963. Although Hekataios of Miletus called Korydalla a city of the Rhodians, the author shows, that the city has been a genuine Lycian city and later became a legitimate member of the Lycian League and minted silver drachmas, the first example of which was found and described two years ago.
Keywords: Lycia, Korydalla, Lycian League, ancient city, ancient Greek inscription, Opramoas, rock tombs, the Sion Treasure, Kumluca
Cat. 64.122
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str. 9 119571, Moscow, Russia
Received 20.12.2017
Accepted 15.01.2018
A new conjecture eam deuinctam and A. Palmer’s conjecture eam deuinctam (preferably the latter one) are recommended in Cat. 64.122 on the grounds of plausibility of haplographic omission of both inserted words: for the first one, suaui deuinctam > deuinctam (cf. Lucr. 4.453–454, Varro Logistor. fr. 28 Bolisani); for the second one, leui deui- > deui-, given the affinity of n and u in Latin minuscule script (cf. Enn. Ann. 2 Skutsch, Lucr. 4.1009, Hor. Carm. 3.1.22–23, Ou. Met. 8.823, Ou. Fast. 4.653, Ou. Trist. 4.3.22). The conjectures preferred by modern editors and researches of Catullus’ text (viz., K. Lachmann’s , aut ut, preferred by most modern editors, Pomponius Laetus’ eam deuinctam, preferred by D.R. Shackleton Bailey and G. Trimble, and J.M. Trappes-Lomax’s aut ut securo deuinctam) do not meet the requirement of providing a plausible explanation of the process of corruption. Both conjectures recommended also correspond in sense to the epithet dulci that we find in the corresponding place of a similar expression in Ciris 206 (a passage obviously dependent on Catullus) and that E. Baehrens argued to have correspondences in a number of passages connected with Ariadne’s dream (Philostr. Imag. 1.15.1, Nonn. Dion. 47.320, Prop. 1.3.7); however, inserting the word dulci itself in Cat. 64.122 (as done in MS Grenoble, Bibliothèque Municipale 549 and in ed. Romana 1472) is impossible, as pointed by G. Trimble, since Catullus uses the word dulcis just two lines earlier, in Cat. 64.120.
Keywords: Catullus, textual criticism, conjecture
The Latitude of the Strait of Hormuz in Ptolemy’s Geography. P. 185-191
Shcheglov, Dmitriy A.
Institute of science history in Saint-Petersburg Russian Academy of Sciences
199034, Saint-Petersburg Universitetskaya nab. 5
Received 30.11.2017
Accepted 20.12.2017
A passage from Strabo’s Geography, which specifies the latitudes of Hyrcania, Artemita, the mouth of the Persian Gulf (Strait of Hormuz), and the “capes of Ethiopia” (Horn of Africa), is compared with the corresponding data in Ptolemy’s Geography. As a result, a number of interesting coincidences between them are revealed. Based on these coincidences, the paper argues that the idea reflected in Ptolemy’s Geography that the Strait of Hormuz is situated approximately at the latitude of Syene was known already by Strabo and may go back to Eratosthenes or to any other of the “mathematical” geographers (for example, Eratosthenes or Hipparchus).
Keywords: ancient geography, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Strabo, Claudius Ptolemy
The concept of effinitus in Varro’s linguistic doctrine. P. 192-195
Drachёva, Nina V.
125993, Moscow GSP-3, Miusskaja street 6
Received 18.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The article discusses the concept of effinitus in the linguistic doctrine of M. Terentius Varro. This word is only recorded in the treatise De lingua Latina (VIII, 45). The author analyzes in what sense Varro uses this concept, and how the adjective effinitus correlates with the adjective finitus.
Keywords: parts of speech classification, degree of definiteness/indefiniteness of a quality, Stoic linguistic theory
«Dono lepidum novum libellum»: Contemporary Russian Translations of Catullus and Hоrace. P. 196-219
Fayer, Vladimir V.
Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, k. 307b;
Received 15.11.2017
Accepted 28.12.2017
Russian translations of ancient Greek and Latin poetry have certain restrictions that were formed in the beginning of the 20th c. with predominant idea of precise accuracy of wording and rhythm. Aesthetic force of a poem fell not unfrequently victim to these conventions that are preserved by most translators until now. Interestingly, at the same time poetry of other cultures and époques was rendered without such requirements, and even fervent literalists translated European verse using less strict conventions (not speaking of Asian literatures). As a result we face paradoxical situation: translations based on principles, which are considered appropriate for other traditions, are often viewed as inferior and unconventional for ancient Greek and Latin material. Recently, the tendency is slowly changing, and some translators (including Dmitriy Litvinov, whose versions of Catullus and Horace are discussed in the paper) choose less precise wording in search for more adequate rendition of the inner meaning of the poems.
Keywords: Literary translation, equirhythmic translation, translation studies, Catullus, Horace, Dmitriy Litvinov, Grigoriy Dashevskiy
Appendix: Dmitry Litvinov. Translations from Catullus and Horace. P. 214-219
Materials of the Conference “Actual Problems of Teaching Ancient Languages”. P. 220-221
Ancient Languages as the Foundation of Higher Education in Humanities. P. 222-225
Kazansky, Nikolay N.
Received 01.03.2018
Accepted 21.03.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Actual Problems of Teaching Ancient Languages in Faculties of History of Russian Universities. P. 226-232
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
How to Teach Historians: Some Thoughts on the Level of Proficiency of Future Specialists in Ancient World and Medieval Age. P. 233-239
Belousov, Aleksey V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Ancient Languages in the Curriculum of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. P. 240-244
Iluschechkina, Ekaterina V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Teaching Ancient Languages at the School of Linguistics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. P. 245-248
Fayer, Vladimir V.
Received 11.02.2018
Accepted 05.03.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Problems of Teaching Ancient Languages to Students of the Department of Ancient History at the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, RSUH. P. 249-250
Mostovaya, Vera G.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Teaching Ancient Languages at the Department of Ancient Greece and Rome in the Institute of History at St Petersburg State University. P. 251-257
Frolov, Eduard D.
Klimov, Oleg Y.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: Department of Ancient Greek and Roman History of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University, education, ancient languages, history
Experience and Problems in Teaching Ancient Languages at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. P. 258-263
Machlayuk, Aleksandr V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Resolution and proposals of the conference. P. 264-265
Materials of the International Conference “Testis saeculi: To the 95 Anniversary of A.A.Takho-Godi”. P. 266-267
Nicholas of Cusa, Losev and Wittgenstein: On the Language of Philosophy. P. 268-280
Kuße, Holger
TU Dresden, D-01062 Dresden
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The article deals with the relations between the philosophies of language and understanding of Nicholas of Cusa, A.F. Losev and L. Wittgenstein as well as with the features of their language of philosophy. Regarding Nicholas of Cusa’s influence on A.F. Losev the paper refers to the two volume edition prepared by E.A. Takho-Godi “A.F. Losev: Nicholas of Cusa in translations and commentaries” which came out in 2016. Nicholas of Cusa and Alexei Losev are united beyond historical epochs and languages (Russian and Latin) and areas (the East and the West). They refer to the same authors from the Late antiquity, mostly to Areopagite and Proclus. The affinity of Losev’s philosophical thinking to Nicholas of Cusa’s ideas can be seen in oppositions and contradictions which are expressed by both thinkers in absolute polarities like “the Other – the Non-other, the One – the Many, Relativeness – Absoluteness”. The forms of Nicholas of Cusa’s and A.F. Losev’s philosophical expression lead to an understanding of the language of philosophy as a form of communication between poetics and sciences that can be seen as a metadiscourse on all discourses including itself. Neither in poetics neither in sciences and humanities one can find such a high level of self-reference as in philosophy. However, the main point that distinguishes the philosophical discourse and the specific philosophical word from other discourses and the terms used in them is, that the word in philosophy should show what can’t be shown, but is essential for that which can be shown. The cognition that real understanding includes the cognition of what isn’t understandable connects the languages of philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa, Losev and Wittgenstein.
Keywords: A.F. Losev, Nicholas of Cusa, L. Wittgenstein, philosophy of language, language of philosophy, semantics, theory of understanding
In Dialogue with the Teacher. P. 281-294
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K.
Cultural Society “Dialogs of Losev” (Moscow)
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
From a wide range of issues associated with the life and creative collaboration of Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi and Alexei Fedorovich Losev the author has chosen the aspect of their co-authorship. Throughout her life as a scholar Aza Alibekovna has adhered to the principles and ideas of her Teacher and for many years has been leading a dialogue with him. The article focuses upon the main editions prepared by her in co-authorship with Losev. Thus, Alexey Fedorovich and Aza Alibekovna were the authors of most of the chapters in the textbook “Literature of the Antiquity”, and from the very beginning Aza Alibekovna developed the conception of the textbook in the same direction as Losev. The subject matter of the chapters she wrote primarily reflects her scholarly interests in the literature of the Hellenistic era, and her deep understanding of this period is evidenced by her numerous publications. In the edition of the works of Plato the philosophical analysis of the dialogues as well as the discussion of their composition belongs to Alexei Fedorovich while Aza Alibekovna compiled the notes and the subject and name indexes. In the books about Plato and Aristotle Aza Alibekovna was responsible for the biographies of the philosophers, and Alexei Fedorovich – for their doctrines. The book “Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece” is based on the Losev idea of the myth, and the collection of articles “Greek Culture in Myths, Symbols and Terms” includes the works of scholars concerned with the terminology necessary for the understanding of ancient culture. The present paper also indicates the involvement of Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi in other editions of Losev’s works both as the author of a few parts of his books as well as the commentator and translator.
Keywords: A. A. Takho-Godi, A. F. Losev, co-authorship, the literature of Antiquity, Plato, Aristotle, mythology, terminology
Some Words to the Jubilee of Lyudmila Pavlovna Ponyayeva. P. 294-303
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K. PhD
Cultural Society “Dialogs of Losev” (Moscow)
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper is a congratulation on the anniversary of the professor of Latin language in the Department of classical philology of the philological faculty of Moscow State university Lyudmila Pavlovna Ponyayeva.
Keywords: L.P. Ponyayeva, teaching ancient languages, Department of classical philology, study, practice, free time with L.P. Ponyayeva
Vol. XVII. 2018
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-7
De statu et studio Latinitatis in Russia. P. 14-21
Nicolaus Fedorov (1925-2016)
Received 13.03.2018
Accepted 05.04.2018
Oratio in conventu Academiae latinitatis fovendae (Italia a. 2007) pronunciata.
The Image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος in the Art of Ancient Greece in 8th to 6th Centuries BC: The Problems of Identifying and Functioning. P. 22-48
Zinchenko, Sophia A.
105066, Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya, 21/4;
Received 15.07.2017
Accepted 19.10.2017
In the article the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος in Attic and Argive vase painting of the 8th century BC, in small sculptures connected generally with finds from Artemis Orphia's sanctuary in Sparta from the 7th to the beginning of the 6th century BC is considered. The key iconometric parameters are identified for representations of Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος in vase painting of the 8th century BC as well as the main groups of signs used as substitutes for an anthropomorphic figure. The carried-out analysis has allowed to note the dominant use of Πότνιος Ἳππιος in vase painting, and Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἳππιος – in small sculptures and also the sufficient similarity to the similar images found in petroglyphic art of the Eurasian steppes of 2nd to 1st millennium BC is noted. In the analysis of monuments with the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἳππιος in small sculptures frequent mixture with the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Θηρῶν is noted and the possible reasons of these art processes are considered. As a working hypothesis the suggestion is made that the popularity of the image Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἳππιος can be explained by particular circumstances of cultural genesis of separate centers of Ancient Greece (first of all such as Attica, Argolis and Sparta) in the 8th – the beginning of the 6th century BC.
Keywords: The ancient Greek art 8th – 6th cent. BC, the vases of the geometric style, Πότνιος/Πότνια Ἵππιος, Πότνιος/Πότνια Θηρῶν, the art of the Eurasian Steppes 2nd to 1st Millennium BC, small sculptures of 7th – 6th centuries BC.
Sentinaculum: A Hapax in Paulinus of Nola, Letter 49. P. 49-57
Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes
University of Southern Denmark
DK-5230 Odense M, Campusvej 55, Danmark
The word sentinaculum appears to be a neologism coined in the early fifth century AD by the Christian author Paulinus of Nola in his narrative of the miraculous rescue of an old sailor. Valgius had been stationed in the hold of the ship (in intimo navis) and charged with evacuating the sentina during a fierce storm. When his shipmates abandoned ship to save themselves, Valgius was left alone on board and saved only thanks to the intervention of Christ and St. Felix. The ship’s hold was flooded, but post unum vel alterum brevis sentinaculi haustum all the water had miraculously been evacuated and the hold dried out. The ship eventually reached port in southern Italy, not far from Nola. Sentinaculum has been interpreted to mean either “scoop”, “bucket” or “bilge-pump”; in the last case it could be a helix, a force-pump or a chain-pump. Helix pumps for clearing the bilge are mentioned in Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistae, while force-pumps and remains of chainpumps have been found on Roman wreck sites. Since the device is described as “small” and located in intimo navis, it was most likely a force-pump, either made completely of bronze or from a combination of wood and metal.
Keywords: Paulinus of Nola, pump, ship, hagiography, technology, sentina
Evolution of the Attitude of Early Christian Martyrs towards the Pagan Authorities. P. 58-69
Rosenblum, Eugene M.
Roman-Catholic Major Seminary “Mary Queen of the Apostles”
Saint Petersburg, 1-ja Krasnoarmejskaja ul., 11A
Received 10.07.2017
Accepted 10.10.2017
The early Christian “Acts of the Martyrs” of the 2nd century demonstrate a respectful attitude towards and obedience to the government. In the 3rd century, this attitude became more moderate. Nevertheless, martyrs still assure civil authorities in their prayer for the pagan Emperors. Only a direct conflict between the precepts of the Emperor and the commandments of God is regarded as a just cause to disobey the Emperor. Even a more explicitly loyalist attitude is incident to other kinds of Christian literature of that period. However, at the end of the 3rd or beginning of the 4th century, a change of attitude took place. During the reign of Diocletian, but even before the start of the Great Persecution, obedience to God and obedience to the Emperor began to be counterposed. The “Acts of Martyrs” displaying a moral impossibility for some Christians to serve as Roman soldiers emerged. Loyalty to the Emperor is replaced by the rejection of his authority. A perception of the pagan Emperor as a tyrant is forming. Such a change of attitude was possible due to the growth of the influence of Christianity. The number of Christians in the military and civil administration increased, so the rule of a Pagan Emperor ceased to seem as something inevitable. During the reign of Constantine the Great a rejection of the authority of the Pagan Emperors was a kind of homage to the first Christian ruler.
Keywords: Early Christianity, Acta Martyrum, Loyalty, Persecution, Diocletian, Constantine the Great, authorities, Roman Empire
Socrates in Ilya Ehrenburg’s Julio Jurenito and Elsewhere (Publication of a Samizdat Paper with an Afterword on Plato, Mikhail Bakhtin and the True Character of Socrates). P. 70-92
Panchenko, Dmitri V.
190121 Saint-Petersburg, Galernaya ul., 58-60
Received 07.06.2017
Accepted 01.07.2017
The present contribution consists of two parts originally separate in time. The first part appeared in 1980 in a samizdat journal, Metrodorus. It addressed the representation of Socrates and his philosophy in Russian literature, philosophy and philology of the twentieth century. The second part develops the interpretation of the phenomenon of Socrates that was sketched in the 1980. The central issue here is how to reconcile Socrates’ disavowal of knowledge with Socrates’ behaviour that follows certain strong principles, some of which are explicitly stated. It is suggested that Socratic philosophy derives from a certain historically determined problem situation. Since Socrates had to oppose those who appealed to the allegedly self-evident and repeatedly demonstrated egocentrism of human nature, his polemics included a general examination of whether our knowledge is sufficient to draw far-reaching practical consequences and a close examination of what appeared to be self-evident knowledge expressed in words like justice or virtue or happiness. Accordingly, Socratic profession of ignorance was a prerequisite for examining in a situation of a dialogue the notions and meanings that were supposed to be known and clear to everybody. His other objection was his own way of life, incompatible with the alleged self-evident truths of those who saw everybody’s natural goal as being rich and powerful. It is argued that the main features of Socratic philosophy (Socratic elenchus, principle of ignorance, irony and religious mission) are logically and psychologically interconnected.
Keywords: Socrates, Plato, Ilya Ehrenburg, Konstantin Sotonin, Mikhail Bakhtin, Socratic profession of ignorance
The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ancient North Black Sea Region. 2016 Year. P. 93-137
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU, RSUH
Russia, Moscow, 119991 Leninskiye gory 1, GSP-1 Faculty of history department of ancient languages
Eliseeva, Lubov G.
Leninsky Prospekt 32A Moscow, 119334
Received 01.03.2018
Accepted 21.03.2018
The paper gives a critical analysis of the publications of 2016 year, which contain the ancient epigraphic material from the North Black Sea region.
Keywords: greek epigraphy, roman epigraphy, northern Black Sea, Olbia, Chersonesus, Pantikapaion
Lament for Korydalla. Part 1. Contemporaries about the Сity: People and Events. P. 138-176
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
Leninskie gory, d. 1, GSP-1, 119991 MSU
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
This article is the first part of a work about Korydalla, an ancient city on the southern coast of Lycia. The city of Korydalla was located on two small hills on the plain of Kumluca 6 km away from the sea. In this city roads leading to different parts of Lycia and neighboring regions crossed. Such geographical location contributed to the development of the city in antiquity, but it was also the cause of the complete destruction of its ruins in recent centuries. Since no excavations have ever taken place in Korydalla, the author’s purpose was to gather all available information about the city from other sources, such as the works of ancient writers and Christian documents, coins minted in this city and, in the first place, the inscriptions found in Korydalla and in some other cities of Lycia, among them the famous inscription of Opramoas from Rhodiapolis and Stadiasmus Patarensis. Also the author considers the inscriptions engraved on the objects of the so called Sion Treasure – the treasure of church silver of the 6th century AD found in Korydalla in 1963. Although Hekataios of Miletus called Korydalla a city of the Rhodians, the author shows, that the city has been a genuine Lycian city and later became a legitimate member of the Lycian League and minted silver drachmas, the first example of which was found and described two years ago.
Keywords: Lycia, Korydalla, Lycian League, ancient city, ancient Greek inscription, Opramoas, rock tombs, the Sion Treasure, Kumluca
Cat. 64.122
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82, str. 9 119571, Moscow, Russia
Received 20.12.2017
Accepted 15.01.2018
A new conjecture eam deuinctam and A. Palmer’s conjecture eam deuinctam (preferably the latter one) are recommended in Cat. 64.122 on the grounds of plausibility of haplographic omission of both inserted words: for the first one, suaui deuinctam > deuinctam (cf. Lucr. 4.453–454, Varro Logistor. fr. 28 Bolisani); for the second one, leui deui- > deui-, given the affinity of n and u in Latin minuscule script (cf. Enn. Ann. 2 Skutsch, Lucr. 4.1009, Hor. Carm. 3.1.22–23, Ou. Met. 8.823, Ou. Fast. 4.653, Ou. Trist. 4.3.22). The conjectures preferred by modern editors and researches of Catullus’ text (viz., K. Lachmann’s , aut ut, preferred by most modern editors, Pomponius Laetus’ eam deuinctam, preferred by D.R. Shackleton Bailey and G. Trimble, and J.M. Trappes-Lomax’s aut ut securo deuinctam) do not meet the requirement of providing a plausible explanation of the process of corruption. Both conjectures recommended also correspond in sense to the epithet dulci that we find in the corresponding place of a similar expression in Ciris 206 (a passage obviously dependent on Catullus) and that E. Baehrens argued to have correspondences in a number of passages connected with Ariadne’s dream (Philostr. Imag. 1.15.1, Nonn. Dion. 47.320, Prop. 1.3.7); however, inserting the word dulci itself in Cat. 64.122 (as done in MS Grenoble, Bibliothèque Municipale 549 and in ed. Romana 1472) is impossible, as pointed by G. Trimble, since Catullus uses the word dulcis just two lines earlier, in Cat. 64.120.
Keywords: Catullus, textual criticism, conjecture
The Latitude of the Strait of Hormuz in Ptolemy’s Geography. P. 185-191
Shcheglov, Dmitriy A.
Institute of science history in Saint-Petersburg Russian Academy of Sciences
199034, Saint-Petersburg Universitetskaya nab. 5
Received 30.11.2017
Accepted 20.12.2017
A passage from Strabo’s Geography, which specifies the latitudes of Hyrcania, Artemita, the mouth of the Persian Gulf (Strait of Hormuz), and the “capes of Ethiopia” (Horn of Africa), is compared with the corresponding data in Ptolemy’s Geography. As a result, a number of interesting coincidences between them are revealed. Based on these coincidences, the paper argues that the idea reflected in Ptolemy’s Geography that the Strait of Hormuz is situated approximately at the latitude of Syene was known already by Strabo and may go back to Eratosthenes or to any other of the “mathematical” geographers (for example, Eratosthenes or Hipparchus).
Keywords: ancient geography, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Strabo, Claudius Ptolemy
The concept of effinitus in Varro’s linguistic doctrine. P. 192-195
Drachёva, Nina V.
125993, Moscow GSP-3, Miusskaja street 6
Received 18.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The article discusses the concept of effinitus in the linguistic doctrine of M. Terentius Varro. This word is only recorded in the treatise De lingua Latina (VIII, 45). The author analyzes in what sense Varro uses this concept, and how the adjective effinitus correlates with the adjective finitus.
Keywords: parts of speech classification, degree of definiteness/indefiniteness of a quality, Stoic linguistic theory
«Dono lepidum novum libellum»: Contemporary Russian Translations of Catullus and Hоrace. P. 196-219
Fayer, Vladimir V.
Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, k. 307b;
Received 15.11.2017
Accepted 28.12.2017
Russian translations of ancient Greek and Latin poetry have certain restrictions that were formed in the beginning of the 20th c. with predominant idea of precise accuracy of wording and rhythm. Aesthetic force of a poem fell not unfrequently victim to these conventions that are preserved by most translators until now. Interestingly, at the same time poetry of other cultures and époques was rendered without such requirements, and even fervent literalists translated European verse using less strict conventions (not speaking of Asian literatures). As a result we face paradoxical situation: translations based on principles, which are considered appropriate for other traditions, are often viewed as inferior and unconventional for ancient Greek and Latin material. Recently, the tendency is slowly changing, and some translators (including Dmitriy Litvinov, whose versions of Catullus and Horace are discussed in the paper) choose less precise wording in search for more adequate rendition of the inner meaning of the poems.
Keywords: Literary translation, equirhythmic translation, translation studies, Catullus, Horace, Dmitriy Litvinov, Grigoriy Dashevskiy
Appendix: Dmitry Litvinov. Translations from Catullus and Horace. P. 214-219
Materials of the Conference “Actual Problems of Teaching Ancient Languages”. P. 220-221
Ancient Languages as the Foundation of Higher Education in Humanities. P. 222-225
Kazansky, Nikolay N.
Received 01.03.2018
Accepted 21.03.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Actual Problems of Teaching Ancient Languages in Faculties of History of Russian Universities. P. 226-232
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
How to Teach Historians: Some Thoughts on the Level of Proficiency of Future Specialists in Ancient World and Medieval Age. P. 233-239
Belousov, Aleksey V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Ancient Languages in the Curriculum of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. P. 240-244
Iluschechkina, Ekaterina V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Teaching Ancient Languages at the School of Linguistics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. P. 245-248
Fayer, Vladimir V.
Received 11.02.2018
Accepted 05.03.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Problems of Teaching Ancient Languages to Students of the Department of Ancient History at the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, RSUH. P. 249-250
Mostovaya, Vera G.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Teaching Ancient Languages at the Department of Ancient Greece and Rome in the Institute of History at St Petersburg State University. P. 251-257
Frolov, Eduard D.
Klimov, Oleg Y.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: Department of Ancient Greek and Roman History of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University, education, ancient languages, history
Experience and Problems in Teaching Ancient Languages at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. P. 258-263
Machlayuk, Aleksandr V.
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper summarises a report given at the conference dedicated to teaching ancient languages at Russian faculties of history.
Keywords: education, ancient languages, history
Resolution and proposals of the conference. P. 264-265
Materials of the International Conference “Testis saeculi: To the 95 Anniversary of A.A.Takho-Godi”. P. 266-267
Nicholas of Cusa, Losev and Wittgenstein: On the Language of Philosophy. P. 268-280
Kuße, Holger
TU Dresden, D-01062 Dresden
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The article deals with the relations between the philosophies of language and understanding of Nicholas of Cusa, A.F. Losev and L. Wittgenstein as well as with the features of their language of philosophy. Regarding Nicholas of Cusa’s influence on A.F. Losev the paper refers to the two volume edition prepared by E.A. Takho-Godi “A.F. Losev: Nicholas of Cusa in translations and commentaries” which came out in 2016. Nicholas of Cusa and Alexei Losev are united beyond historical epochs and languages (Russian and Latin) and areas (the East and the West). They refer to the same authors from the Late antiquity, mostly to Areopagite and Proclus. The affinity of Losev’s philosophical thinking to Nicholas of Cusa’s ideas can be seen in oppositions and contradictions which are expressed by both thinkers in absolute polarities like “the Other – the Non-other, the One – the Many, Relativeness – Absoluteness”. The forms of Nicholas of Cusa’s and A.F. Losev’s philosophical expression lead to an understanding of the language of philosophy as a form of communication between poetics and sciences that can be seen as a metadiscourse on all discourses including itself. Neither in poetics neither in sciences and humanities one can find such a high level of self-reference as in philosophy. However, the main point that distinguishes the philosophical discourse and the specific philosophical word from other discourses and the terms used in them is, that the word in philosophy should show what can’t be shown, but is essential for that which can be shown. The cognition that real understanding includes the cognition of what isn’t understandable connects the languages of philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa, Losev and Wittgenstein.
Keywords: A.F. Losev, Nicholas of Cusa, L. Wittgenstein, philosophy of language, language of philosophy, semantics, theory of understanding
In Dialogue with the Teacher. P. 281-294
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K.
Cultural Society “Dialogs of Losev” (Moscow)
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
From a wide range of issues associated with the life and creative collaboration of Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi and Alexei Fedorovich Losev the author has chosen the aspect of their co-authorship. Throughout her life as a scholar Aza Alibekovna has adhered to the principles and ideas of her Teacher and for many years has been leading a dialogue with him. The article focuses upon the main editions prepared by her in co-authorship with Losev. Thus, Alexey Fedorovich and Aza Alibekovna were the authors of most of the chapters in the textbook “Literature of the Antiquity”, and from the very beginning Aza Alibekovna developed the conception of the textbook in the same direction as Losev. The subject matter of the chapters she wrote primarily reflects her scholarly interests in the literature of the Hellenistic era, and her deep understanding of this period is evidenced by her numerous publications. In the edition of the works of Plato the philosophical analysis of the dialogues as well as the discussion of their composition belongs to Alexei Fedorovich while Aza Alibekovna compiled the notes and the subject and name indexes. In the books about Plato and Aristotle Aza Alibekovna was responsible for the biographies of the philosophers, and Alexei Fedorovich – for their doctrines. The book “Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece” is based on the Losev idea of the myth, and the collection of articles “Greek Culture in Myths, Symbols and Terms” includes the works of scholars concerned with the terminology necessary for the understanding of ancient culture. The present paper also indicates the involvement of Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi in other editions of Losev’s works both as the author of a few parts of his books as well as the commentator and translator.
Keywords: A. A. Takho-Godi, A. F. Losev, co-authorship, the literature of Antiquity, Plato, Aristotle, mythology, terminology
Some Words to the Jubilee of Lyudmila Pavlovna Ponyayeva. P. 294-303
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K. PhD
Cultural Society “Dialogs of Losev” (Moscow)
Received 15.01.2018
Accepted 10.02.2018
The paper is a congratulation on the anniversary of the professor of Latin language in the Department of classical philology of the philological faculty of Moscow State university Lyudmila Pavlovna Ponyayeva.
Keywords: L.P. Ponyayeva, teaching ancient languages, Department of classical philology, study, practice, free time with L.P. Ponyayeva
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